
March 23, 2018
Hermanus History Society

History of Hermanus hotels: The Marine Part Three

During the late seventies, The Marine was allowed to run down after a succession of managers were unable to keep up the standards of its glorious past. Its Swiss-born owner Werner Hinder, who had purchased the hotel in 1967, was glad to sell it to David Rawdon in 1980. David […]
March 19, 2018
Hermanus History Society

Hotels, holidays and the Hermanus economy: Part Two

After the death, in 1940,  of PJ Luyt, the hotelier who had turned The Marine into a highly successful and popular establishment, his resourceful widow Joey renamed the hotel as ‘Luyt’s Marine Hotel’. She managed it herself, with the help of her daughters and some dedicated staff, until 1947. By […]
March 19, 2018
Hermanus History Society

Hotels, holidays and the Hermanus economy: Part One

Late in the 19th century a type of tourism began in Hermanus that would last for and influence five decades of life in Hermanus. Since then, tourism and the associated hotel industry has played a major role in all commercial activity in the town. It brought into town members of […]
March 5, 2018
At the launch of Sumaridge’s new range of lifestyle wines last week, the Bellingham Turners handed over a cheque to the Hermanus History Society (HHS) and Cliff Path Management Group (CPMG). From left are Simon Turner, David Beattie of the CPMG, Holly Bellingham Turner, winemaker Walter Pretorius and Dr Robin Lee of the HHS.

Sumaridge new wines invitation

Last night the Cliff Path Management Group and the Hermanus History Society attended a special function outlined above. The two organisations were kindly awarded monies to assist in their work by Holly and Simon Bellingham- Turner owners of Sumaridge Wine. Holly shared with us her interest in  local history and […]