
June 18, 2020

The legacy of segregation in Hermanus

Like all South African human settlements, Hermanus has been shaped in many ways by apartheid. Through his research into how the Group Areas Act led to the segregation of residential areas and amenities, DR ROBIN LEE presents a picture of what was happening in Hermanus during the 1950s and 1960s. […]
June 9, 2020

Hermanus Botanical Society – 60 years of private and municipal cooperation

As we saw in the previous article, Hermanus society and the founding of NGOs, our town has an abundance of voluntary organisations that work towards the benefit of the community and the environment. Focusing on the conservation of our floral kingdom, the Hermanus Botanical Society took root only after several […]
June 9, 2020

Hermanus society and the founding of NGOs: 1920 – 2020

In this comprehensive new series on the history of Hermanus, DR ROBIN LEE turns his attention to the proliferation of non-government organisations over the past 100 years. Focusing on the issue of conservation of fynbos and other indigenous vegetation, he takes a look at the rather complicated history of early […]
May 22, 2020

Historic holiday homes in Hermanus

Writer Dr Robin Lee A review of holiday homes in Hermanus covers two categories of accommodation. The  rst category refers to fairly simple, relatively inexpensive holiday homes built in the early days of the development of Voëlklip. The second category is the larger houses that were built by wealthy […]