
October 12, 2022

Mission Station caring for Lepers in Hemel en Aarde Valley

HERMANUS HISTORY SOCIETY: Site visit on 22 August 2022 A year ago Dr Pieter Boon gave the society a very interesting talk via Zoom on the history 0f the Leprosy Institute in the Hemel-en-Aarde Valley outside Hermanus. During question time at the end of his talk he was asked if […]
July 17, 2020


Hi Everyone, We hope that you are all well. We are sorry that we are unable to meet and we have thought about zoom meetings. However, we feel there are already many organisations doing this. Certainly, U3A includes some history presentations too: Robin Lee has done Tretchikoff in Hermanus, and […]
June 23, 2020

The history of ‘beach apartheid’ in the Overstrand

Following on last week’s article which presented a picture of how the Group Areas Act led to the segregation of residential areas and amenities in Hermanus during the apartheid era, DR ROBIN LEE of the Hermanus History Society shares his latest research into the high-profile issue of ‘beach apartheid’ during […]