Hermanus Times 8 May 2014
Boontjies-kraal history:
Uwe Kersandt and Doreza De Wet, authors of the book Boontjieskraal, addressed members of the Hermanus History Society on 6 May during an outing to the farm. Members learnt about the history of and life on Boontjieskraal. The farm area, which dates back to the early 18th century, is situated at a crossroads in the Overberg on the old Cape Wagon Way. The members also visited the area where Hermanus Pieters is buried. Hermanus Pieters taught at Boontjieskraal as well as other farms. His name was given to the town, which was originally called Hermanuspietersfontein before it was abbreviated to Hermanus in 1902.
Photo: Frans Theunissen

Photo: Frans Theunissen