Overberg U3A Newsletter number 10 March 12
March 13, 2025Friday 14 March – NO MEETING
TUESDAY 18 MARCH at 10:00 in the Catholic Church Hall
Celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the first Gilbert and Sullivan performance Part 2
by Letitia Snyman
We continue the story of Gilbert and Sullivan – their huge successes and popularity, the growing tension between them and the eventual breakdown of their collaboration and the arrangement with D’Oly Carte. It all seemed to be over in 1889 – but it wasn’t. The performance rights were restored, and the show was soon back on the road! Although there were no more collaborations, the D’Oly Carte company was able to continue putting on the operas, which, of course, were already hugely popular in the United States and across the Empire. So today we can celebrate their continued global popularity long into the 20th century and beyond.
FRIDAY 21 MARCH at 10:00 in the Catholic Church Hall
A Centenary of the discovery & exploitation of the West Coast diamond deposits
by John Bristow
John is passionate about highlighting the role of geology and related environmental aspects to Lay persons, students, scholar’s and the youth. Thereby sharing knowledge of the dynamic and constantly changing planet Earth, and fostering young talent and geologists of the future.
He pursued a successful career in the local and international minerals exploration and mining industry, primarily in the diamond sector, initially with De Beers and subsequently his own business and Junior exploration and mining ventures.
TUESDAY 25 MARCH at 10:00 in the Catholic Church Hall
Living and working in Russia
by Ronnie Hazell
By 1992, President Gorbachev’s policies of Glasnost (opening up) and perestroika (restructuring) had created a favourable climate for the Western world to seek business opportunities in Russia.
It was with this in mind, following De Beers’ long-term involvement in the buying of Russian diamonds, that it was decided to place a man on the ground in order to try to establish some form of exploration rights within the country. I was that man and in early 1993 Renee and I moved to Moscow to set up an office and set about approaching the Russian authorities.