July 19, 2022
Venue: Catholic Church Hall, Eastcliff, Hermanus
August 3, 2022- Previous History Meetings: 13 June John Garlick by Sherry Garlick Stanton: 465 You Tube views. Personal History of Gansbaai by Philip Fourie 25 April: 313 You Tube views.
- I have learnt about a fascinating museum in Grabouw: Trail’s End Bicycle Museum displaying the history of bicycles, open since October 2021. Michael Bruton who discussed his book Curious Notions at FynArts informed me about this venture. The museum expansion will include John Garlick’s introduction of bicycles to South Africa. The history society will be visiting the museum next year although you may visit independently. I hope to learn more at the next opening in early October.
- The new brochure History of High Street 1857-2021 by Robin Lee, is written up in this week’s Hermanus Times. On sale in Book Cottage.
- In June the Story of Hermanus was performed by local actors in Whale House Museum. The play is a combination of song, dance and storytelling with actors portraying different characters from our history. Further information see www.storyteam.co.za Next performance at Kalfiefees 8 August.
- We remain keen to find members interested in Oral History. Hermanus History Society could be the owner of an oral history project that would capture interviews of local people that reflect our history. HHS involvement would give it credibility and a reason for people to share their stories. Philip Fourie’s presentation illustrated this well. Please get in touch with me if you are interested getting involved.
Members Meetings
22 AUGUST Leper Colony site visit (Jack van Dyk and Mike Clark.)
19 SEPTEMBER Vergelegen Historical Site Visit. Somerset West