An oral History of Gansbaai
May 24, 2022
July 19, 2022- Robin Lee has resigned from the committee as he will need time to complete his book. I will take over his diligent secretarial work however I will welcome assistance should anyone offer.
- As we have had 2 members meeting in April, the next meeting will be will be on 13th June, Sherry Stanton the author of Accidental Entrepreneur will talk to us about John Garlick creator of Garlicks departmental store. A notice is included. The book is in our library.
- A little history: Michael Clark our treasurer was one of the 10 founders of the NSRI station in Hermanus, established in 1978. This interesting history may well be presented to members
- We have paid up 43 members however this e-mail is circulated widely as people may like to re-join. A membership application form is attached. New or returning members are only required to pay half of the annual fee for 2022.
- Jack van Dyk has joined our committee and will be presenting a site visit concerning the leper colony in the Hemel en Aarde valley.
- Robin Lee talked about the history of High Street with reference to where the Book Cottage is sited. This was part of the opening of the Book Cottage in High Street. First copies of the brochure were sold and these will be on sale shortly
- Angela has given a site talk to the Garden Club: History of Bayview Hotel, and to Quest a power point presentation: History of Hemel en Aarde Valley.
- Blaise Jones reports that there are increasing requests for Hermanus newspaper archival material that he has sourced- 2 examples SOFCA and Lombardi connections and the impact of Group Areas act on Voelklip Beach.
- Article below is on our Website: www.hermanus-history-society.co.za
Who really was the Walker of Walker Bay?
Christopher Barends
Booked Members Meetings
25 JULY LeVaillant Map- Ian Glenn
22 AUGUST Leper Colony site visit (Jack van Dyk and Mike Clark.)
19 SEPT Vergelegen Historical Site Visit.
22 NOV