May 18, 2021
The Jewish Community in Hermanus
June 1, 2021Hermanus was renowned for its cafes during the 20th century. Tourists and residents met frequently in a cafe or tearoom, sometimes to conduct serious business. Important meetings leading up to the creation of the Hermanus Botanical Society were all held at the Princess Cafe.
List of Cafes and Tearooms
Aberdeen Arms (Aberdeen Street)
The Balcony Tea Room (Balcony Building, Main Road)
The Baron of Beef (Voelklip)
The Barrel Room (Voelklip)
Belmont Café (opposite Swallow Park)
The Cuckoo Tree (High Street)
Cypress Tree Tea Gardens (now the Burgundy) (Harbour Road)
Daia se Kafee (Long Street)
De Villiers Café (Market Square)
The Fig Tree (location unknown)
Fisherman’s Cottage (Lemm’s Corner)
Goldfish Café (later, Driftwood Den and Nautilus) (Grotto Beach)
The Greenhouse (Voelklip) (later Baleens)
Haman’s Café (then owned by Joe Smith) (Main Road)
Heine’s Grill (Voelklip)
Hubbard’s Cupboard (Aberdeen Street)
John Dory (location unknown)
Johnson’s Café (Main Road, next to Lemm’s Corner)
Kraal Rock Tea Gardens (Main Road, Poole’s Bay)
Little Red Hen (Voelklip Beach)
Mallard’s (Mitchell Street)
Nibblers’ Nook (Long Street Arcade)
Outspan Café (Paterson Street)
Park Café (Main Road))
Princess Café (Main Road)
Rosenstrauchs (later traded as the Farm Stall and Savannah) (High Street)
Royal Café (Main Road)
Smith’s Cafe (Main Road)
Steenbras Café (location unknown)
Westcliff Tea Garden (Westcliff Road)
Above is a list of cafes that existed at some time. a list of cafes that existed in Hermanus at some time. Details about the photos appear as captions to each image