January 13, 2021
January 25, 2021I do hope that you are all well and have managed to withstand the rigours of Covid19. Our last meeting was in February and we considered restarting or zoom meetings. However, constraints on money and time and involvement in COVID-related activities obliged us to suspend operations.
We did try to keep in touch through Newsletters, and last month the Committee met to discuss the way forward. We looked at live meetings in the Hall in late November or early December, but as there is no clear indication that the lockdown regulations will change, we have focussed on planned meetings for 2021.
In the meantime, Robin has circulated you history-related presentations that he gives to U3A. Please note that he will present his final two talks on 9 November (Hermanus visit by woman pilot Amy Johnson) and 30 November (novelist Nicholas Monserrat in Hermanus).
I have recently presented 10-minute talks about Hermanus to tourist officials on an Amazing Race venture. This enables them to gather interesting information throughout the Western Cape to share with potential visitors. I used Robin’s book For Keeps – an excellent source of material and articles related to our town’s history.
The history plaques and the Hoys’ graves are in order. The history board at Die Gang has been replaced as the previous board was blown down.
I wish you well and look forward to meeting in 2021. We will shortly send you a programme of meetings and excursions planned.
During this month, Robin will be updating the Society’s email list. If you have changed your contact details since 1 October, please send him the new information as soon as possible.
Angela Heslop
PO BOX 149
(Mobile) 072 609 8655
(Home) 028 312 1663