Bringing Hermanus’ cinematic history into focus
April 25, 2018
Site Visit to Greyton with Felicity Jervis
June 13, 2018(Felicity is the authority on the history of Greyton dating back to khoi tribes and Dutch occupation)
MONDAY 14 MAY 2018
9.45 – 10. 00 Arrival and coffee/tea serving. Hand out walking and car route maps and town brochures..Have R25 ready for tea/coffee.
10-00 – 10.15 Introduction and historical background at Vias while all are seated before we move off for the start of the walk.
10.15 Loo stop before we set off
Walk the route past the Post House village intersection, down Vigne Lane past the oldest cottages,Vigne’s first cottage and farm , down Justic Lane into Oak Street to the school intersection, up Dr Both Rd past the wheelwright’s barn, De Villiers home ( now Oak ‘N Vigne café, and back to Main Road.
11.30 Return to parked cars...
All into cars, following route on the provided map along Main Road, past Anglican and DRC Church, Market Square, down to Vlei Street. Stop at Old Kraal. Out of cars to observe. Explanation of agricultural history of the Town. Back in cars, up Grey Street to Main Road, along Main Road passing several very old historic homes, stop at Old Mill House to observe, back in cars down Main Road past many 130 year old oaks to corner of Nerina and Driver Street. Out of cars to observe sight of original Weltevreden farm house(1731. Old photos will be shown). Explain role of Driver family and Group Areas dispossessions, back in cars, up Nerina Street to Park Road and back along Park road passing many original old cottages of coloured dispossessed families back to Main Road. Park near Vias/ Oak and Vigne in Dr Botha Street.