Hoy’s Koppie: The Jewel of Hermanus
August 28, 2015
History of Clarence Drive
September 29, 2015The Overstrand Municipality has an unusually long coastline in relation to its area. Yet it has been exclusively settled from the land. This means that there are many points along the coast where human beings have come into contact with the ocean for the first time. Several realities determine what the nature of that contact has been and how that has shaped the settlements that were built and the people who lived there.
These two presentations focus on five of the better known points of contact and explains why each developed its own character. The five localities are:
- Stony Point Whaling Station in Betty’s Bay: exploitation coastline
- The Bot River Estuary: exploration coastline
- Voelklip, Voelklip Beach and Grotto Beach: vacation coastline
- Die Kelders and Klipgat Cave: habitation coastline
- Gansbaai: industrialisation coastline
The history of each of the five localities will be explained in economic and social terms and through the personal histories of the characters involved. Who was Major Frank Cook? What role did Olaf Berg play? Who owned the first shop in Voelklip? How did the caves along the coast come into being? Who was known as the “King of Gansbaai”? And what about shark liver oil? And who was Kaptein Klaas?
Each of the five sections is illustrated with about 35 slides, most of which have never before been seen in a presentation in the Overstrand and lasts about 20 minutes. Stony Point, the Bot River Estuary and Voelklip and Grotto will be presented at the first meeting and Klipgat Cave and Gansbaai at the second meeting.
Please note the dates (Sunday 14 June: Auditorium: 11.15 and Monday 15 June: Auditorium 11.15). It is emphasised that the second presentation is entirely different to the first one, and not a repetition.
Purchase of a ticket guarantees access to the Auditorium, but does not reserve a specific seat, so it will be best to arrive early. Tickets (R60 each) are available at the Tourism Office in Mitchell Street, Hermanus (028 312 2629), from www.hermanusfynarts.co.za and from www.webtickets.co.za and (if available) at the door.
As at 18 May 2015 roughly 50% of tickets for each presentation had been sold.
Enquiries: Dr. Robin Lee: 028 312 4072 and robinlee@hermanus.co.za